Nonius has provided this space for catering, entertainment and events with Digital Signage, TV channels and Video, presented in the various screens available in the space.
SUD Lisboa is an innovative project from the SANA Group, the first one that’s not in the hospitality business. It is divided in two spaces: the SUD Lisboa Terraza, with restaurant, bars and a swimming pool, and the SUD Lisboa Hall, a place dedicated to events that can host up to 1500 people.

Nonius Digital Signage system includes modern touch totems integrated in the sophisticated decoration of these spaces. Fixed, mobile, outdoor and indoor totems are available and its format can be changed from Landscape to Portrait, according to what is needed. It was also provided the Digital Concierge, a system that offers interactive screens that are highly flexible from a graphical and informative standpoint.
Nonius TV product allows the distribution of the operator’s IPTV channels received by fiber, including the decryption of the Premium Channels. It is possible to store and distribute movies from the organization or from the individuals that use these spaces, tremendously increasing their experience.
This solution is built with Nonius products including the latest gateway developed by the company to manage Conditional Access and Digital Rights.

These two technologies can be combined in the outdoor and indoor totens that are available in SUD Lisboa Terrazza and SUD Lisboa Hall.
Nonius is grateful to SANA Group for the opportunity to work on this fantastic project and promises to keep up with their standards, just like it has done in the past decade.