Transamérica São Paulo Hotel signs with Nonius to upgrade and manage its Guest and Conferences Internet Access infrastructure.
Nonius is delighted to announce it has been entrusted with the upgrade of the existing internet access infrastructure at the Transamérica Hotel São Paulo. This move brings State of the Art guest and conference technology and services to this bustling business 400 rooms hotel and to the large conference center in São Paulo.
As part of this modernization project, Nonius was given the lead role. Both the network infrastructure (switching, access points, internet appliance) and the management of network services at our Network Operations Center (NOC). The Nonius NOC uses the latest cloud based technologies, where hotel Wi-Fi services are monitored and managed.
Today, the Hotel benefits from the latest technologies from our partners (Ruckus Wireless and HP); in addition to, our own Multigigabit Internet appliance.
The state-of-art Access points provide full, high capacity Wi-Fi coverage for conference rooms and all areas throughout this great property. Conference rooms are now equipped to handle the most demanding events with the highest density of devices. Event organizers are now offered state of art wireless and wired connections.
Nonius complements this with on-demand specialized network support services for conferences and other special events that may require specialized support from our NOC or on site.
This project is part of an ambitious mobile strategy that is being implemented by the Hotelier, and it is focused on offering guests and conference attendees a great mobile connectivity experience.