Guests can call the hotel services free of charge from their mobile device using the hotel App. External calls get billed in the PMS like in the guest room phone. The hotel staff can get in touch with guests while they are connected to the hotel Wi-Fi.
Regardless of whether or not you believe that guestroom phone is a thing of the past, we present a solution that can replace or complement the guest room phone, we are not telling you that you need one more App. You can offer this module embedded in the hotel App and implement a Mobile Key, Online Check-in, Room Control, Express Checkout and more.
Check out how it works
Through the integration between the IP-PBX and your hotel App, it is possible to turn the mobile device of your guests into an extension of the room phone. Thanks to the Softphone feature we have developed, guests can make internal and external calls from their own smartphones, even when they are outside of the property.
It is also possible to program shortcuts to internal extensions and make communication between your customers and employees even easier.
The “virtual guest room phone” offers benefits for both the guest and the hotel:
- Guests will avoid physical contact with the hotel phone and being concerned with the hygiene of keypads
- Facilitates communication between guests and staff and thus increases their engagement with the hotel during the stay
- Access to a phonebook will increase interactions with the different hotel services which will generate more revenue
- Supports multiple guests and devices (up to 9 per room)
- Optimizes room space by eliminating traditional landline handsets
- No functionality is lost, guests can make local and international calls, just as they would when using the room’s handset
- Flexible and adaptable solution for hotels of all sizes and segments
“The Softphone feature represents an important milestone for our Hotel App solution, which allows guests to use their own mobile devices to have full control of their experience at the hotel. Guests could already use the Hotel App to open the room door, control the TV in the room or chat with the concierge team, and now they can also use it to make and receive calls, using the hotel room extension within their smartphone.
Manuel LimaNonius Mobile Business Unit Director
We believe it will enhance the guest experience and also facilitate the communication between the hotel staff and guests.”